專業生產潤滑材料和汽車護理產品. 所有產品保證100%德國原裝進口,品牌產品包含德國合成機油、煞車油、水箱精、汽油精、柴油精、機油精、雨刷精、引擎止漏劑、清洗劑、汽車保養品、齒輪油、自動變速箱油(自排油)及工業用油等各式潤滑油品.

專業開啟各類機械鎖及電子鎖,24小時純技術開鎖九成以上無需破壞,,24小時專業水電維修,24小時緊急服務熱線:8100 0388

Inspire CyberNET was founded in the Hong Kong in 2001 by a team of energetic individuals devoted to the challenges of conducting business on the Internet.

太古城高層585呎單位分租。 周邊環境昭著、往來港九各區交通便利。鄰近SOHO東、太安樓,食肆林立。實為動感中帶恬靜之區域。 屋主內外整潔。共用客廳、廚房、浴室。一應電器俱備。 電、煤、水費均邀。免費100MB WIFI 上網供應。 月租6000 + 1個月租金值之上期 + 1個月租金值之按金 如有任何查詢,或意欲預約參觀。煩請電郵至 [email protected] ; 或

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

法國SeRGeNT MajoR,上衣,褲子,裙子,針織衫,泳衣

We strive to provide one-stop services to customers including car searching, retailing, valuation, consignment, car insurance, financing, inspection, repair and maintenance, etc.

MB6333 幸運車牌,不包轉名費 減價 $ 8,800 聯絡方式:Benny 63331186

An 8th location, “Izi” – on Hollywood Road, Central, focuses on serviced commercial office space, making Ovolo definitively stand out among its’ peers.

獨家代理 ‧ 同區罕有玻璃幕牆 ‧ 優質大型上落貨區
R物業地產 / 辦公室買賣Raymond W Chan


太古港島東舞蹈嘉年華 2009 於星期六 12 月 12 日 完滿結束。當日 66 場從港島東不同地點取得靈感的精彩景點舞蹈表演,以及多位穿著鮮艷戲服的巡遊演員,令到場觀眾及愛好攝影的人士拍照拍過不亦樂乎。如果您在當天也拍了不少靚相,不妨一齊上 facebook 「 Fun 享港島東」,參加「太古港島東舞蹈嘉年華」攝影比賽。先登記成為 Fans ,再將作品,連同 facebook usernam

主題:Collective Dreams — 小城大夢 手機錄像組 DV錄像組 資格: 歡迎15-25歲青少年參加 格式: 作品必須以手機拍攝,只接受不低於176x144像素之mp4 或3gp格式 長度: 作品以1至5分鐘為限 作品遞交: 將作品電郵至 [email protected] ,註明參加「突破框框國際青年錄像節2007」手機錄像組,並附上姓名、年齡、姓別、聯絡電話、


Our company is specialized in supply of Automotive Wheel, Car Spring Bumper Retainer, Accessories (Wheel Caps, Lug nuts, Acorn bolts, Hub Centric Rings, Socket adapters, Tubeless Tire Valves, Socket
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Tim Horse Investment Limited

Company Profile Founded in March 2003 by a team of consulting professionals with years of experience in the ERP related business, ECL has rapidly attracted a group of HK based manufacturers in using
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Modern computer technology is like a maze with many dead ends, LSL is concerned with providing the client with an appreciating investment and to control the deeply hidden costs of a modern computer s
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